Tibetan Tse Dup Soul Healing – Year 1

Tibetan Tse Dup Soul Healing – Year 1

Tse Dup Yang Bod
Tibetan Tse Dup Healer Certification Program
w/Tse Dup Lopon Bon Chong Ma (Beth Siegert)

In person in Pittsburgh and with limited seats on Zoom

Are you called to become a spiritual healer to help others?

I am starting a new 3-year program to become a certified Tibetan Soul Healer – teachings start in January 2025.

Tibetan Tse Dup Soul Healing – Year 1

You will learn the same techniques for healing and transformation that Lopon Bon Chong Ma (Beth) uses with her clients. This is a powerful and ancient healing system that will help transform your own life, and the relationships with everything around you. Those who complete the 3-year advanced training with all requirements will be certified as Drup Shen. Drup Shen means Tse Dup Soul Healer. At that time, you will be able to give public healing sessions for others in the tradition of the Tibetan Bon lineage.

Please note: The are sign- up options and payment options are presented below.

You do not have to sign up for the full 3 years now, you may sign up below for the first year or simply take the first weekend intensive ($400.00) to see if this resonates with you.

Full Year 1 Registration – 4 weekends $1600 
  • Jan 31st – Feb 2nd, 2025
  • April 11th – 13th, 2025
  • July 25th – 27th, 2025
  • Oct 24th – 26th, 2025
1st Weekend Only Registration – $400
  • Jan 31st – Feb 2nd, 2025

Tibetan Soul Healing - Tse Dup Yang Bod with Lopon Bon Chong Ma - Beth Siegert

Tse signifies life force , Dup signifies to intensify  and Yang signifies the highest essence of the soul energy,  Bod signifies to retrieve through dedicated practice.

Tse Dup Yang Bod is a very deep and extensive Tibetan healing practice from a 7th century Tibetan Bon text –Ja Ri Ma, written by Lama Tsewang Rigzin. While in meditation, Lama Tsewang Rigzin was given this High Tantric practice by the enlightened dakini, Thuk Je Kundrol.

It is known as a longevity practice for balancing and strengthening the vibrancy of the soul & life force and life span energies. This practice may be given to oneself as a daily practice. Or may be provided to others for the benefit and healing of sentient beings.  All participants that complete the 3-year program, including all of the requirements will be certified as a Tibetan Tse Dup Soul Healer (Drup Shen).

Most people strive for happiness, health and a feeling of well-being (mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually). This form of healing helps us to connect to the five powerful elemental energies that make-up our entire being and guide our existence.  I am speaking of the universal energy that embodies our entire being.

You will learn and understand the intricate dance of earth, wind, fire, water and space. How these five life forming energies can be brought in to equilibrium; by doing so, purifying the energies of mind, body and spirit. Through this healing self-awareness arises and room for spiritual growth for healing is gained. 

Balancing our energy system allows manifestation of a healthy life in all of the above-mentioned areas. The imbalances that occur in our lives may be brought on by trauma, illness, obstacles (emotional and mental included) or stress (to name a few).   You will learn to recognize the signs of soul (LA) loss in yourself and other sentient beings in this 3-year program.

(Students will meet four times a year for three day weekend teachings)

 Learn about the ancient Tibetan Bon spiritual tradition where this healing practice comes from.

 Learn how to use the Long Life mantra to build healing energy in order to balance and strengthen ones own soul energy and also heal others. Learn how to bring more light into the body for healing and balance.

 Learn about the Bon understanding of the soul &  life force energies and how they move through the body, including recognizing how and why soul and life force loss happens. Then learn how to generate, strengthen and channel these energies for deep healing of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

 Learn about the five directions, five inner and outer elements, inner poisons (negative emotions) and wisdoms, including how they relate to five major organs in the body.

 Learn soul and life force retrieval practices using the Turquoise, Dadhar (long life arrow), and Melong (mirror) for generating and collecting these energies through ritual.

 Learn ancient Tibetan yoga practices that open the energy channels in the body.

 Learn four of the main mantras and their meanings that make up part of the Preliminary Practices which help to build self awareness through purification.